Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Proud Work

I am proud of this final product because i have worked hard in finishing my product, although i did get help i fell like i can accomplish my work;like this project i have shown how i can make my assignments more fun and make people have a visual in what im learning and i could be able to send a message to the audience and i could make them see tha it is important for people to know why this is important. This is my water pollution project and i think this is one of my best work because i think that its very informative and it leaves people with a thought of changing the pollution and getting people to be involved in volenteering.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sea Shepherd

3. Describe three literary techniques and/or writing conventions you can take from this article to use in your writing for the H2O Project?

During the whole H2O project i have struggled with structure, clarity, and organization. i think they make sence but in a general view it doesnt. people tell me i need to

"They belonged to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, a vigilante organization founded by Paul Watson, thirty years ago, to protect the world’s marine life from the destructive habits and the voracious appetites of humankind"

"Watson was also doing, not thinking." which was an honest opinion without being against the organization. Because they are very dangerous about how they go about their process in saving whales. Its actually not a very organized navy. Sometimes they arent sure where they are going or where they are. Also having to go in broken down ships without knowing. This was a great wat to close his article it brought everything back in to summerize Watson. This structure was thoughtfully organized, and will definitly be used for the H2O project as a refrence to structured work.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

He's Not Black

1. Arana writes: "Isn't it time for the language to move on?" How do you feel about this? Why?

I think that there is no reason for people to just judge people by their color.

there are places around the world were people call other people names due to color, race, and ethnicyty. There Are mexicans, asians, whites, blacks, etc. and people realize what they are what they are and the language should move on because life doesnt revolve around race. Language should be about getting to know people instead of judging the person. When we judge people, we do the same thing, we may treat that person different depending What race the are. i think that its not bad its just a matter of how you put it. “I am fifty percent German. But no one who sees me believes it.” said a college student from Pittsburgh. there are people that take what they are but people dont realise it. This it what should move on the language that people should know the person instead of just judging them from their looks.

but there are people that take pride in the names. people like mexican descent, african american, etc. they are glad to call themselves blacks, whites, mexicans, etc. and what ever they glad to call themselves. There people that use the names they get becauseof their national symbol or personal pride. These names don’t always have to be related to race, ethnicity, or color, but often they do.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


What are you thankful for this year?

I thankful for having my parents love and having al the care that people give me. also that my teachers that understand when i dont understand the material. Im also thankful that there is a teacher i can talk to when i have problems and thats Joann my advisor, she make me feel so welcomed and im thankful for that.

Post three specific things that you will accomplish for this project before TG break is over! Then, bring those things to school on Monday Dec. 2.

Have a Scetch of my video and what im going to have im my video.

Have a Schedule of when i need to go take clips. And When Im going to have a camara.

Have a good and complete script of what im going to say in my video.

Friday, November 21, 2008

US History Honors blog

Why is the Civil War is often described as the Second American Revolution?

The Civil War satrted in 1861 and it ended in 1865. It tokk place here in the United States.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What are you discovering so far?
What i have dicovered throughout this project is that beaches have been polluted by many things, cause like by humans and animals. i think that its hard to know that the beach has so many bacteria and people get sick and this is something serious.

What surprises you about this project?
People get seriously sick and people can make a diffrence but people dont do it and with one change the beach would be a better place and make people get less sick and not just people is animals too.

What re your next steps to have a cool product and a great piece of writing?
Try my best, have interviews, take picture, make a good skit that way the video makes secence and explain the pictures and clips of the video.

Friday, November 7, 2008


-lets people know the beach doesnt clean itself
-we should help the beach be clean
-having a clean beach is serious.

-keep our beaches clean
-pick up your trash
-let people know that they should help clean the beaches

these help because im having a partner where we are going to make a video and an article were we find out if people that see dirty water do they still pollute the water or do they pick up trash?, and what can we do as individuals to clean the beach? and i think that interviewing people can be helpful because we get to see what people think of the polluted ocean water.


What is the historical background of their story? What is the current state of their voting power in America?
The Youth have the right to vote at the age of 18. "Young voters went 2-to-1 in Mr. Obama’s favor on Tuesday." This quote states that mostly all youth voted for Obama and from this votes it made him win his vicory.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

H2O Project

a) All resources needed
-Camara -to video tape people while interviewing
-garbage bags -try to clean trash
-gloves -not get contaminated
-water sampling supplies - to test the pollution
-paper -wirte what people say

b) All people needed
-workers around the beaches- to see what they think of pollution
-people that like the beach- notice anything bad?
-life-guards- to see how they feel when people pollute.

c) A detailed schedule for yourself that runs day by day from tomorrow for two weeks.

8:30-8:45 am- get prepared to leave school
9:00-10:30 am- catch the buss and head to a beach
10:30am-12:30pm- start interviewing people
12:30-1:00pm- video tape diffrent places of the beaches
1:00- 2:00pm- head to school
2:00-3:30pm- work on footage

election reflection

Nov. 06,2008

How do you feel about the election?
I feel AMAZING knowing that the person that is a diffrent race once made it in the white house, and that i feel really happy because i wanted Barak Obama to win this election beacuse i think that he is going to do change to the United States and there is a chance for him to make the United States a better place.

What are your hopes for America and your community in the next few years?
I hope that over the years he does give illigal people that have been living in the United States for more than 15 years, thier pass ports and amke people happy but not to happy, that way they dont get to used to happiness.

What are your concerns for America and your community for the next few years?
My conserns are that there many people that didnt want Obama to win because he was black and since it was close to a tye many people are mad that the won so im concern that he might get shoot and im worried for im.

What have we done well as a class to build your understanding of current events?
What made us understand current events more are the blogs the we do every tuesday and thursdays.

What can we improve as a class (or you as an individual) to better build your understanding of current events?
I think that as a class we shown discuss many topic on what we are learning about and have a long discusion that way everyone is a part of the current events.

How do you feel in the numerous conversations about current events that take place outside of class?
There many events that happen outside of school and i think i can relate them to me and i think that i can realate any event to what is going on with the problems and i can see that i can relate any thing to a current event.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

H2O project

Nov.2, 2008

Is it healthy when people, boats, and animals share the same beach?
"• combined sewer/storm overflows
• bypass of wastewater pollution control plants
• urban surface runoff
• animal waste
• poorly functioning septic tanks systems
• boating wastes
• sewage and oil spills
• medical waste and floatable trash/debris.
• Studies have shown that the majority of pollutant discharge into NYC's adjacent water originates from Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs), stormwater overflows, bypass of pollution control plants, and urban surface runoff."
I think that people, boats, and animals sharing the same beach is dangerous for people and animals because the beach water contains many bad things that could be a risk for people and animals to get sick and be a possible chance of death.

What can we do to change the pollution of the beach?
"Individuals can also help control water pollution by taking simple actions such as using picking up pet waste, putting plastic pants on babies and keeping trash off the beach." I think that this quote is really what people can do, andit not had to do at least clean a little bit each time you go to the beach.

"Beach Quality and safety." NYC.gov. 2 Nov. 2008 .

"NRDC: Beach Pollution FAQ." NRDC: Natural Resources Defense Council - The Earth's Best Defense. 2 Nov. 2008 .

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Oct. 28. 2008

To start ACORN is Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. "Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is a community-based organization that advocates for low- and moderate-income families by working on neighborhood safety, voter registration, health care, affordable housing, and other social issues. ACORN has over 350,000 members and more than 850 neighborhood chapters in over 100 cities across the United States" To tell you the truth i dont know what ACORN is or what it does and what i can see from this quote is that people are helped by ACORn with safety, health cares and many important stuff that people need in life. From my perspective is that ACORN is something good and people need it in life.

"How did ACORN handle the crime? By disguising it on the books as a loan from one of its contractors and letting Rathke's family make restitution at the rate of $30,000 a year." This basically means that the ACORN, if it can overcome a crime it will be charged with $30,000 and its not played as a game.

"If ACORN or any other group has engaged in a scheme to submit phony registrations, by all means that should be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted." i think that this quote means is that if ACORN is playing a game and voting and not taking it seriously they will get prosecuted.




Monday, October 27, 2008

1. Use the transcripts to identify a significant section of the debate in which you see a direct relationship to what we have studied in class.
For the Lincoln - Douglas Debates, each candidate spoke one hour, then the other one and to end it, the first who spoke replied to what the other said. they would go on for about 5 hours with speeches and replies. i think that the debates from now are better because they seem more in depth with what they talk about and they dont talk for a long time they talk for 2 minutes each.

2. Identify and analyze a section of the transcript that is not factually correct.
i think that the debates that are now happening are more catchy than the other debates because there is many things going on with the presidents and the vice-presidents

3. Comment on the reaction of the news media to this debate.
what i liked about the debates it that they are very organized and people can get a better understanding of it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

2008 Debates

the 2008 Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates

In 1858 the first Douglas and Lincoln debate was on in Ottawa, Illinois. The second in Freeport, Illinois. The third in Jonesboro, Illinois. There were 7 seven debates that Lincoln and Douglas had there were speeches coming from both Abraham and Stephen. The debates took about three to five hours of speeches. One talked for 1 to 2 hours and the other responded for thirty minutes and then they gave their speech and then the other would give that person feedback. The first debate was in August 21, 1858 and the last one was on October 15, 1858 and that was the seventh. Today there are the Obama- McCain and that started this year September 26 2008, there were only 3 debates between Obama and McCain and I think that they are very different because there were three debates and back then they only had seven. The difference was that they talked for 2 hours and now they talk for two minutes and I think that there have been so many changes since that time. The first Obama and McCain debate took place in Mississippi. The second in Tennessee. The third in New York. One thing that they didn’t have back then was a Vice presidential debates and today they did on Oct. 2, 2008.

On the first Douglas and Lincoln debate Douglas states that black republicans should listen to Douglas. “Why can it not exist divided into free and slave states? Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison, Hamilton, Jay, and the great men of that day, made this Government divided into free and slave states, and left each state perfectly free to do as it pleased on the subject of slavery.” This coming from Douglas seems like he doesn’t care what his citizens do with as long as they are happy, and he thinks that’s its good because people like Washington and other great men didn’t do anything on slavery and Douglas said that he might follow what other people are doing as long as his people are happy. Now Lincoln said “”I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and the black races.” What I know he meant was that he wanted people to be treated equally and have a better chance of not getting discriminated by other people and Lincoln actually put his shoes on a black person and said that they want the same rights and people get treated the same.

Today there are many things going on with the presidents and they are very different than from Lincoln and Douglas and I think that its good that there is no slavery to be debating about although there is Law issues and Problem that there are trying to solve between the peoples choices by the government.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Internet

Oct. 18,2008

How has the Internet affected the way Americans approach democracy?
i think that one way that americas approach democracy is by the news, news paper, etc. but one main thing, is the internet because its always open to anyone and they see the events and democratic parties between the candidates and they are able to see what is going on with the imprtance of the government. "For example people are able to look at different Internet sites and compare them, and then from there decide where they stand, based on the information they read. I think that this presidential campaign has drawn people in more and more because one group of people say one thing and another group say something else, that's why I feel like the debates have been a hit this year because citizens, especially the “undecided” ones are more tuned to hearing from the actual candidate." This quote from Nyachare's page is so true beacuse they see on the internet of what to vote for and this quote pretty much explains both Nyachare and my opinion on what the internet does.

How does the Internet and it's effects fit into the historical context of technology and democracy in America?
i think that the internet goes into the historical context of technology because you can communicate faster and that is important because today the world runs faster and people keep going and going.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


OCTOBER 14.2008

Today was the first day we got introduced and got started doing the project. Our group got assign to a debate from the Douglas-Lincoln and we got the sixth debate, and in our group we got assigned to a part of the debate and I got slavery in the territory of Quincy, Illinois. Today in class what I did was just look up Douglas and Lincoln’s speech to read what they said during their speeches on slavery.

Today what I got accomplished was that I didn’t find any specific quote where Lincoln or Douglas talked about slavery and how important It was to them. I found a sentence that said that during the debate neither Douglas nor Lincoln talked about black people or slavery. I think that there maybe at least 1 sentence that mentions what Lincoln or Douglas had to say or what they thought on slavery. My time management was bad because I was looking through all the websites instead of just staying in one and actually reading it.

What I did today was that I didn’t really helped my group in the first period of class and to tell you the truth I was just spacing out and didn’t help my group because I though I was all finished. I could of asked my group if they needed help but I started doing that on the second period of time and that sucks that I took me along time to realize that my group needed help. When I asked for help they told me to look up for pictures I did but it took along time I don’t know how but my time went really fast and I took a long time looking for pictures.

What I contributed to the final product was just my article and I think a picture and a caption other than that I did not help them with the final product.
What I need to improve on is staying on task and asking my group is they need help or if there’s anything that I could do to help finish the final product. Next time that tell me to do something ill make sure that I do it and not just say “yeah yeah I’m going” or “ill just do it later” I think that I didn’t contribute any help to the final product and maybe that’s why it wasn’t good because I didn’t help them decide were everything went.



What this picture has is the Rule Of Thirds and i liked this picture because it has this girl in the first intersecting point and thats her head and then below there her knee and in the same lin down is her leg. In the background you have a water fall and she is looking at the water fall. The picture doesnt have a center object and it makes you look at the whole picture in general.

What i like about this picture is that they have 3 cars and they are about a couple inches apart and they have it in a view of how someone would see it and that good because if to do see this cars like this you will see them like this and have tha back ones blurd out.

← This Picture here caught my EYE because her eyes are so pretty and her scarf is blue and her eyes are blue too and the scarf makes her eyes come out and have so much color and fill the frame with so much color.

→ What i like about this picture is that the light is comming from the left and its facing her right cheek and the shadow to her left and the lighting is great because it makes her face be more soft and pretty.

← What i like about this picture is that its on the persons Eye level but as in the Object level to because you have thecat and tha dog an dthe dog is right in front of you.

What i like about this is that you have a plant and in the view as in how you think the pant sees and its good.↑

Thursday, October 9, 2008


October 09,2008
Lincoln-Douglas Debates

The Sixth debate took place in Quincy, Illinois yesterday Wednesday October 13, 1858. The main point that caught my attention was slavery. Douglas said “Eight years before, he had won national applause for cobbling together a plan, based on the doctrine of "popular sovereignty," to resolve the vexing issue of legalized slavery in America.” This basically means that he didn’t go against or for slavery he just thought of way made the people happy. “Congress had been paralyzed for years by the demands of southern slaveholders to open the unsettled territories of the American West to slave labor and the counterdemands of the free states of the North that the western territories be reserved for development only by free labor. "Popular sovereignty" would allow the people who actually lived in the territories to make their own decisions about legalizing slavery—and let Congress get back to other business.” Well like I said this states that he will make any slave-owner make their own legalization to slavery.

Here you have the candidate
Douglas speaking to his audience
during his speech yesterday.
On the other hand president Lincoln
“always hated slavery”, “Slavery was the business bondage, and it flew straight into the face of the most sacred of American beliefs, "that all men are created equal" and are endowed with a natural right to liberty”“No amount of popular sovereignty, even in a democracy, could repeal that. And instead of dissolving the contention over slavery, Lincoln pointed out that popular sovereignty only transferred the contention to the territories, as proslavery and antislavery settlers turned murderous in their struggle for control” from this quote that I found I see that it was clear that Lincoln was really against slavery. People wanted control because they were slave owners and Lincoln didn’t let that happened because I think that he did put the slaves shoes and saw what they felt and he saw that it wasn’t right.

Obama-McCain Debates

From what I’ve seen is that there is a big difference because back then they took 2 hours to day and debate then a 30 min. response and then 2 hours of their speech and then the first person would give feedback for 30 min. basically a total of about 5 hours. Today the candidates are being asked questions and they need to response for 2 min. and the other would give feedback for a short time, basically that’s the process of today’s debates. Overall I think that today’s debates are better because I think that still both either are still boring but I prefer today’s debates because they are shorter and you cant basically cant run out of ideas when your talking over 2 hours and its better 2 min. than 2 hours.
C. Guelzo , Allen. "Past and Present: The Lincoln-Douglas Debates, 150 Years Later - US News and World Report." US News & World Report - Breaking News, World News, Business News, and America's Best Colleges - USNews.com. 21 Aug. 2008. 9 Oct. 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008



Tuesday, October 07, 2008

"Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows Barack Obama attracting 52% of the vote while John McCain earns 44%. This is the second straight day that Obama has led by eight percentage points, his largest lead of the year. For the past twelve days, Obama’s support has ranged from 50% to 52% while McCain has been at 44% of 45% every day."

According to to this graph Hispanics are mostly voting for Obama.

According to this graph, Men Vote more for McCain thean Obama, Women also vote for McCain More Than Obama, elder people vote for McCain more than Obama etc.

This Is the Republicans and the Democrats.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Civil War and Today...

The Civil War is now leading to Today's time.

Today there’s are a couple of things going on that took place during the Civil War including Racism, Slavery, and Segregation.

The Civil War started around 1861. During the Civil War slavery, racism, and segregation took a huge role. Racism was basically to the African-Americans. Slavery was basically in role by African-Americans. Segregation was basically separating the whites and the blacks. Today they’re still happening in several places around the world.

Racism started in the Atlantic around 1502 to 1888, in America it started in the 1600’s. In the Civil War racism took place and African Americans were mostly discriminated by their race because people saw them as being weak. “The north was against slavery because they had factories to replace the hard labors of farm workers. The South wasn't as wealthy and so they used slaves in place of factories. The most important role racism and race took was that since the North was against the slavery they decided that the black slaves can travel down to there land and instead of living there, fight for their right for freedom. The black slaves fought against the south in place of most white men for freedom and because the white men didn't want use waste themselves.” this quote explains all the information of why racism started and how it took place during the Civil War. Today racism still takes place here in the United States and around the world. In the United States Racism still takes place, there is many African-American discriminated the most about 66.5%, 23% of whites, 1% of Asians, And 9% of Hispanics. ARIANNAH's Statement "Racism played a huge role in the civil war, and it also takes a role in today’s society. Of course back when the civil war was happening, I don’t think they looked at black people as being in a different race then them, they looked at the as more of a different species." is really strong because from what I’ve read this is basically how Black people were treated back then because the War was going on and they didn't pay attention to the rights that they needed.

Slavery took place in the civil war. Blacks were basically the slaves around that time. There were plenty of slaves in the civil war and usually they would be African-Americans. “Herbert Aptheker a report to the governor of Virginia on a salve conspiracy in 1802: “I have just received information that three white persons are concerned in the plot ; and they have arms and ammunition concealed under their houses, and were to give aid when the negroes should begin”” Black people sometimes helped poor white people. Today there is slavery around Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe; Usually they are sex slaves. Its Illegal here in the United States. This Quote From Amanda’s Blog "The impact of this case was that supposedly it set back the slaves even more time from having their freedom." makes me wonder because the slaves really didn’t have any freedom because white people were very gritty and wanted them for themselves. "I think the slaves had a right to rebel because I can see how they wanted to be free and be treated as equals. Especially after the Declaration of Independence was written I definitely think they had a right to freedom." i agree with AMANDA's statement because Blacks also had the rights as normal U.S citizens.The Civil War have so much in common with today. Many things have happened since the civil war and many things will happen in the future. There issues that will be going for years and years and there could be a way to stop it but its only a matter of the people.


Emery, Kathy, Ellen Reeves, and Howard Zinn. A People's History of the United States, Vol. 2: The Civil War to the Present, Teaching Edition. New York: New Press, 2006.



Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Same Sex Marriage DENIED?

High court turns down gay marriage case
no author...
October 11, 2006


Post your new Federal Privacy Law and explain what you think would happen during the possible process of judicial review

Every man and woman has the right to privacy within their homes, and social and business affairs unless suspected of a crime and have a warrant. The government cannot go through anyone’s privacy/property without a warrantor the owners permission. To get a warrant you must take it to court with evidence and the warrant would last only one year.

In 2006, a gay couple was turned down by the Supreme Court, TWICE in 2004 they were refused to a wedding license but they tried again and they were refused again. “A San Francisco judge last year declared the state marriage ban invalid because it violated the civil rights of gays and lesbians.”

This connects to the class because it’s talking about how this couple doesn’t have the rights to get married. This really connect because this situation is just two men in love and as they are citizens of the UNITED STATES they are able to have the right to get married and that shouldn’t be the governments problem. These men want to have their “privacy” and the government shouldn’t be in this situation. These men should have the rights as just regular “straight” men do.

What I think about this, I just can believe that the supreme court denied their love and they couldn’t get married and I think that, that’s wrong because they done have the privacy they want because the government is going into this situation.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Edited september 25, 2008

What are you most proud of on your blog? Why?
What I’m most proud of in my blog is that i can connect to current event and the government and that’s something that I’m not good in and that’s something that i did overachieve and yeah there was struggles through the blogs but I’m able to solve them.

What would you like to improve on your blog? Why? How?
What i can improve on is including pictures, videos, graphs, and maps that way my audience can get a visual of what the blogs about and they don’t get lost as much. Adding more articles would be good that way people see that there’s more events in the world going on; than just one event and more than one event going on in the world and how we can connect it to class.

How has blogging impacted your understanding of the US? the Media? Current Events? "Old" news (like the Constitution, Federalist Papers, etc.)?
People blog so other people can read what’s going on in the world. People also show their opinions and their thoughts. People also connect blogging to current events or just something that people can relate to. An impact that I came to an understanding is that there are a lot of many things going o in the world and people do talk about them by blogging.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wall Street's worst day

Edited september 25,2008
Collapse of Lehman Brothers, sale of Merrill Lynch shakes stock market
By: Patrick Rizzo and Joe Bel Bruno
11:39 PM CDT on Monday, September 15, 2008
Associated Press
September 18,2008
Wall Street's has the worst day in seven years and lost about 500 points about 4 percent, its the lowest point dropped since the stock market reopened after the Sept. 11 attacks.
This connects to the class because we been learning about the stocks market been going down and also about the federal government and maybe one way that the federal government could help the stocks market is by having power because of the central powers and they could help get the banks and at least give them a push that way they could win their points back.
What I think about this a is that the central power could help the stocks market and giving them a chance by giving them money and if they lose the privilege of taking it seriously than they are probably going to lose all their points.

SexEd On Kinderarteners

tuesday, september 16, 2008

Edited September 25,2008
Off Base on Sex Ed
September 10, 2008

–by Emi Kolawole

SEPTEMBER 16, 2008
Hoff, David. McCain vs. Obama: The Whole Story. 29 Mar. 2008. Education Week. 10 Sep. 2008.
Editorial. Focus on School Reform. 7 Jul. 2008. The Washington Post. 10 Sep. 2008


Obama is willing to teach Sex Education to kindergarteners before they know how to read.


What this has to do with class is basically that Obama is making a "good" impression to his voters by trying to make it seem that its "legislation to teach 'comprehensive sex education' to kindergarteners." and that’s wrong knowing that they don’t even know about their own bodies and they can't read yet.

What i think about this is that its bad because kindergarteners cant read and how are they support to read about their bodies and also they are kids and they barely are getting to know about their bodies and they haven't gone through puberty and their body can be sexually active at this age, although i do think that they do need to get familiar with their bodies and be tought how to deffened themselves when people touch them.

September 11, 2008

thursday, september 11, 2008

Edited September 25,2008

McCain and Obama commemorate 9/11 anniversary

By Jennifer Loven

2:31 p.m. September 11, 2008


This is basically saying that Obama and McCain were together today to honor the dead from the terrorist on September 11, 2001.

This relates to class because both McCain and Obama are using Pure Democracy to win people votes that’s why they are attending the ceremony for honoring the dead people that way they are making people believe that they do care as presidents, and that they do care about the people in the United States. This is working because people do believe that they care and maybe they do. They are making people change there minds if they haven't voted for them that they should vote for them and they are better than the other.

What i think about this is just that they are using strategies with this Americans involved that way they get their attentions and get a chance to here how they are responsible for the 4 leading years.

Gay Marriage

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Edited September 25.2008

McCain, CA Marriage Initiative & Federalism

Posted by GayPatriotWest at 1:08 pm - June 30, 2008.
Filed under: 2008 Presidential Politics, California politics, Gay Marriage


GayPatriot responded to Patrick Range McDonald the writer of LA Weekly because McCain And McDonald had decided that he only supports the traditional definition of a marriage with one man and one woman, and "McCain is not perfect on issues of concern to the gay community" GayPatriot says.

This has a connection to the class because its talking about federalism of McCain not caring about the gay community, he's only supporting the "traditional" marriage and he’s not having the responsibility of making sure everyone in the USA is accepted as who they are and only because of "tradition".

I do think that this gay man is sticking up for his right as a citizen of the United States and this is good that he’s doing what’s right for the gay community.

Abussive Doctor

Thursday, September 4, 2008

L.A. doctor faces 10 more sex charges
No Author.
3:34 p.m. September 4, 2008
Dr. Kevin Antario Brown not guilty for rape, child, and sexual battery.
The class connection that this has is that its both a Lock and a Hobbes; Hobbes because it seems like Dr. Kevin is fighting for his natural rights and he’s winning the situation because he is being claimed NOT guilty. Lock because I think that the government is trying to put him to jail because he has done about 33 sexually molesting and including 12 of his patients; The government doesn’t do anything because he has done this before and people are saying that he will do more in the future.
What I think about this article is basically is just a question and its "Why don't they give him a fine?" and "Why don't they keep him in jail if they know that he’s going to do it in the future?" this is sad knowing that people are being molested by a doctor, i think that he sets a bad example for other doctors because people are not going to trust their own doctors.

Immigration Tunnel

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Edited September 25,2008

8 arrested after tunnel discovered near border

By Sandra Dibble
September 3, 2008
8 suspects were caught in Mexicali when they were working on a cross-border tunnel by the Calexico border.
This connects to the class because this connect to Locks because this are rights that are being protected by the government and it protects your natural rights. I think that the government caught the people because they are coming to the United States and the tunnel was basically used for drugs, weapons, and immigrants so it mostly bad things and the government was trying to stop them and make a better community to the United States.
What i think about the article is the its true, immigrants should be caught and mostly because they are going to use the United States as their "money maker" because they are using the tunnel for drugs and weapons which causes danger to this community. As a Mexican I think that Mexicans should have a chance here in the United States but have a contract with the government that way the government and the people have their own natural rights, but at the same times the government shouldn't give a chance to the people that are going to harm people here in the United States.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008