Tuesday, October 21, 2008

2008 Debates

the 2008 Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates

In 1858 the first Douglas and Lincoln debate was on in Ottawa, Illinois. The second in Freeport, Illinois. The third in Jonesboro, Illinois. There were 7 seven debates that Lincoln and Douglas had there were speeches coming from both Abraham and Stephen. The debates took about three to five hours of speeches. One talked for 1 to 2 hours and the other responded for thirty minutes and then they gave their speech and then the other would give that person feedback. The first debate was in August 21, 1858 and the last one was on October 15, 1858 and that was the seventh. Today there are the Obama- McCain and that started this year September 26 2008, there were only 3 debates between Obama and McCain and I think that they are very different because there were three debates and back then they only had seven. The difference was that they talked for 2 hours and now they talk for two minutes and I think that there have been so many changes since that time. The first Obama and McCain debate took place in Mississippi. The second in Tennessee. The third in New York. One thing that they didn’t have back then was a Vice presidential debates and today they did on Oct. 2, 2008.

On the first Douglas and Lincoln debate Douglas states that black republicans should listen to Douglas. “Why can it not exist divided into free and slave states? Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison, Hamilton, Jay, and the great men of that day, made this Government divided into free and slave states, and left each state perfectly free to do as it pleased on the subject of slavery.” This coming from Douglas seems like he doesn’t care what his citizens do with as long as they are happy, and he thinks that’s its good because people like Washington and other great men didn’t do anything on slavery and Douglas said that he might follow what other people are doing as long as his people are happy. Now Lincoln said “”I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and the black races.” What I know he meant was that he wanted people to be treated equally and have a better chance of not getting discriminated by other people and Lincoln actually put his shoes on a black person and said that they want the same rights and people get treated the same.

Today there are many things going on with the presidents and they are very different than from Lincoln and Douglas and I think that its good that there is no slavery to be debating about although there is Law issues and Problem that there are trying to solve between the peoples choices by the government.

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