Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sea Shepherd

3. Describe three literary techniques and/or writing conventions you can take from this article to use in your writing for the H2O Project?

During the whole H2O project i have struggled with structure, clarity, and organization. i think they make sence but in a general view it doesnt. people tell me i need to

"They belonged to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, a vigilante organization founded by Paul Watson, thirty years ago, to protect the world’s marine life from the destructive habits and the voracious appetites of humankind"

"Watson was also doing, not thinking." which was an honest opinion without being against the organization. Because they are very dangerous about how they go about their process in saving whales. Its actually not a very organized navy. Sometimes they arent sure where they are going or where they are. Also having to go in broken down ships without knowing. This was a great wat to close his article it brought everything back in to summerize Watson. This structure was thoughtfully organized, and will definitly be used for the H2O project as a refrence to structured work.

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