Monday, June 1, 2009

The magazine reflection!

What did you learn?
I learned how to make and interview into a high quality product by adding an introduction, and accually making the interview into a story rather than just an interview.

How did you learn in?
i've learned that the critiques helped me improve my writing skills and seeing how my worked improved.

Why is this important?
i think that critiques helped me improvem my work and its helpful for me because it make sme have a better final product and it will make my work make more sense and have a better understandign of the work.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Magazine Reflection Take Two!

1. Overall, when you think about the big picture of your writing, what improved? How did it get better? Why?
what i improved on is my writing. People helped me critiqued my paper and they helped me how to structure my writing and they helped me get better vocabulary for words that could of been replaced. The structure changed because people helped me have many topics towards the questions and they made me separate main topics from the interview questions. I made my interview more into a story rather than just a boring interview.

2. Overall, when you think about the big picture of your writing, what still needs work? What do you think will help you improve? Why?
What i think needs more work is basically adding more to the interview. I think t be good to add more information to the interview because i think it be better for the reader to get even more information on the place and about the people that worked there.

3. Specifically, show us something that improved and describe the path it took to get better. You can quote your article, your drafts, link to evidence, etc.
I think that paths i took were just getting my work critiqued and improving it. i had many interviews around 6 and they were all critiqued diffrently an dthey helped me realize the diffrent mistakes that i made and how i could be able to improve it.

4. Describe something specific (or a few things!) that you learned about writing.
I think that critiquing helped me better my work and it helped me realize that i could fix my work and it can better and i can be able to make it better by thinking outside the box.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Magazine Reflection: the beginning

1. What went well for you during the process of creating this magazine?
What went good through out the process is the fact that i was able to get my paper critiqued by many people and they gave me great feedback because I'm not the best writer and getting my paper critiqued made my paper get better and more professional.

2. What challenges did you face as you moved from an early draft or idea to a final product?
A challenge i over came was when my computer shut down 3 times and i never had the time to save it. i over came it by plugging in my computer and going to a quite place where i got to do my work. i also saved my work every time i did a change.

3. What other examples of work—student and professional—stood out as exemplary and served as a good model for your own work?
I really didn't have a lot of work to look at bacause i was working on mine that whole time, so i basically did mine on my own. I also let Vanessa (my editor), work on my article that way they all looked alike but at the same time look different.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Literature group reflection...

What was your book about?
The book i read was "The Great Gatsby", its about a guy named Nick Carraway that lived in New York City. With a neighbor called Jay Gatsby. Gatsby wanted to win Daisy Buchanan's heart, she is married to a man called Tom Buchanan, but his past in in between the love of both him and her. the only way that he could get close to her is making parties and inviting his neighbor Nick Daisy's cousin. Daisy rejected Gatsby. Tom and Gatsby confronted each other in the Plaza Hotel.Gatsby a the end committed murder.

What worked?
What worked is the game that i did at the last minute game my group and i came up with rules and how it would work. The game was great we finished it and we enjoyed it.

What didn't work?
m no able to finish the book in time and have a hard time understanding what in reading.

Obama Socialism

what did you find?

When the words "Obama Socialism", all that came up was Obama's Ageanda on socialism. The republican party mislabeled from socialism for a republican leader.The republican party said that Obama would cause the economic downfall of our nation by painting his beliefs to all that voters that way Obama get more votes.

Do you feel that the label "socialism" is applied appropriately or correctly to Obama, his proposals or his policies?

In the article I found it says that yes what Obama wants to try has actually been tried before by past politicians. A part of the article that talks about previous issues of this states

Do Obama's proposals or policies have historic precedents in America? If so, what happened in the past?

As I went on to read the article it started connecting the past events to Obama's current day plans and it states that the word fascism can't be applied because he is not a fascist, he's a liberal.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Photo Essay

The day at the Eco-center, located in City Heights, starts off in the auditorium after the bus driver drives them to the Eco-center, were kids get to see a video on what alternative fuels and renewable fuels are. They get to find out were they come from, and which ones are good and which ones are bad for our environment. The kids then get a clipboard were they get a sheet they need to fill out through out the tour. Here in the picture you have one of my fellow classmates that also was an intern, Jasmine Bell, where underneath the kids are paying attention to our mentor, Candace McGovern, were she explains that petroleum come from dinosaurs and ethanol comes from corn. Then they fill out the questions on the biggest invention in the 20’s century, the car. Then they get an idea of the whole tour.

The second station you have an inflatable maze were kids get asked in how a car is made up, with a fuel and an engine, here kids get different engines with proper fuels. The activity that the kids do is that they get their fuels and they get to rate the fuel on pollution and if it’s a renewable gas. The fuels and engines are in pouches, where kids have to find in the maze. The kids get only seconds to find the engines that are in green pouches, they come back to sit down then they find out their fuels, then they have to go back to look for their fuels on black pouches. Kids then put the pouches under a black light were the fuels are given a grade, then they write the answers in their work sheets. The highest that was graded was for the hydrogen fuel with A+ pollution and A+ renewable, the same with food for human power. The lowest grade was a F for gasoline for both renewable and pollution. The fuels get grades that way, kids get and idea which fuels are good and some are bad.

This is the third station kids get to watch a movie on how electricity is made where you have 2 hydrogen’s on one side and oxygen on the other. The 2 hydrogen’s want to go to the oxygen and they are held apart by a membrane, in order for the hydrogen’s to go to the oxygen’s they go under the membrane, and then loses its electrons were they are left on the other side and they go around to meet the hydrogen which produces electricity. Then they watch a video on how hybrid car works with and actual model of a toy hybrid car running on water and electricity. In this picture you have 2 kids volunteer on demonstrating how a hybrid car would run. You have 2 cars a hybrids and a normal gasoline tank car, they both are given an amount of 12 fake dollars and they are tested of both running their magnet cars the amount a car runs in an average gallon, a gas tank runs about 20 miles per gallon, a hybrid runs 40 miles, they are tested to run 80 miles and at the end the tank gas has not money left after the 80 miles and the hybrid has 6 dollars and has enough to get home.

The forth part of the tour the kids get to find out how many people contain 6 countries, The United States, Mexico, Brazil, United Europe, South Africa, and China. They find out the population and the amount of cars they have. They get o find out how much fossil fuels they use, also were you can find solar panels and wind turbines, and what they are for. They find out were are the 10 top places were oil is found and its basically in the middles east, and since we use some they ask the how they get it over here and they say the oil tanker.

The fifth station is were kids get to email the governor on reducing fossil fuels, also learning on solar panels and wind turbines, then they learn on watts and renewable fuels. At each station kids get to answer questions that are in each station. In this picture you have Jasmine Bell and she is helping kids on how the solar drawbridge works, this solar drawbridge is made out of Legos so its not the greatest, when you turn on the light bulb kids get to see how it works. In this section the kids are asked “what do you feel when you put your hand under the light?” the kids would say “heat!”, then they are ask “what happens to the solar drawbridge when the solar panel is covered?” they say “it stops working.” and they write their answer on their sheet.


1. What article(s) would you like to write for the magazine? What photography could you contribute? Art? List three different ideas for your major contribution.
-Art- i like being able to show the art that i like to do, i think that i could be able to do some art on my internship.
-Photography- i like taking pictures and be able to take them of different angles.
-Trascript- i think that i was able to re-arrange the transcript so it could sound fluent.

2. Suggest at least one (or more) possible title for the magazine. This could be a title with or without a subtitle. For example, I work for UnBoxed: a Journal of Adult Learning in Schools.
The day at the Eco-center: Kids learn about having a clean and better future.

3. Suggest a topic for an article that you were personally like to read in a magazine inspired by the internship semester.
How to make your boring intership fun.
How to not be bored at internship.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


What did you learn during immersion? How did you learn it?
What i learned during immersion is that i need to day in school and make sure that what i choose for my future is something that i reeally want. I learn this because in my internshhip it revolved around being with kids and working with them and helping them. I like working with kids but after working with them for 2 weeks made me realize that i wouldn't like to work withkids because they get annoying and they talk to much and i get frustrated so im not a person to controlkids and making them listen to me.. When we didnt have tour our mentor made us cleean up a storage room that was filled with boxesa dn she said that there was rat poop and she made us clean it, the first time we just clean the one the was visible and just on the way. One day me and Jasmine heared a noice but we thought we were going crazy so we heared it a couple times and in the trash can, she said there was a rat but when our mentor went to see it, it was the tiniest mouse ever, so she obviously thought there me we comming from the storage room so she made us clen that up and it was a whole bunch, so i learned that i dont want to be a janitor and from avoiding this is to do my work and stay in school and get a good career that way i dont drop out and get to work as a janitor cleaning storage rooms with rat poop.

Friday, February 27, 2009

1. What are you most excited about in regards to your immersion experience? Why do you feel this way?

What im most excited is that i get to learn something new from my experience at my internship. that way i coul dmaybe learn something i didnt expect.

2. What are you most concerned about (what causes the most stress) regarding immersion? Why do you feel this way?
what im most consern is to be cleaning a and being in charge of major stuff.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Jasmine Bell: What were your dreams as a child?

Mentor: As a child i wanted to be president, and work in a really really cool museum those where like the two things that i wanted to do.

Jasmine Bell: Ok, What college do you go to?

Mentor: umm, currently i got to American public university, which is an online university.

Jasmine Bell: And what do you do there?

Mentor: oh, I’m getting my masters, in ancient and classical history, so um ancient Greece to the renaissance.

Jasmine Bell: how did you choice of college help you in your career?

Mentor: umm, i think my choice of an undergrad at san Diego state was a little bit better toward helping my career, umm... and basically a good foundation that history degree for working in museums.

Jasmine Bell: in 10 years what impact will your job have in the community.?

Mentor: umm hopefully if this program continues on for another 10 years it can keep up with it’s founding ughh San Diego continue to be a leader of the alternative fuel movement as far as solar and wind panels and vehicles and things like that.

Jasmine Bell: is this your passion?

Mentor: umm, is definitely my passion to help students and to work with a museum and I definitely care about the environment but my true passion does lie with history.

Jasmine Bell: What is the Best part about your Job?

Mentor: think that is the fact that I get to do lots of different things every single day so I don’t get bored

Jasmine Bell: And do you ever wish you can do more than what you are doing now?

Mentor: Umm, no cause I cant think at the moment I cant do much more *laugh* I’m a little busy so I think its actually perfect right now for me so..

Ariannah Hood: ok is global warming really happening?

Mentor: ugh well there’s some controversy over it as far as whether or not we’re not coming out of an ice age or if we’re actually warming up our environment and in my opinion it doesn’t really matter ugh because no matter what we’re harming our environment so that shouldn’t be the issue not whether or not something particular is happening so an over all effect.

Ariannah Hood: And how effective would hybrid cars be to the environment ?

Mentor: umm well it sort of depends on the battery it’s.. I mean personally disposing a batter y is is less harmful as then drilling for oil and harming our environment I don’t think is a permanent solution but I do think its something we need to look into so we can develop cleaner technology but I’m definitely a fan of a more electric vehicles.

Ariannah Hood: ok, are the statistics about energy saving light bulbs true?

Mentor: yes, they are, CFL light bulbs do save you money over traditional light bulbs.

Ariannah Hood: Where do you get your information about all of this?

Mentor: to be honest is the same way as you guys do reports at school you look online
You read journal articles you look at sources and studies and um use the same information that’s why its so important for you guys to learn the difference between good sources and bad sources

Ariannah Hood: Do you practice what you teach in your personal life?

Mentor: I would say so I don’t drive a car but I am known to forget to recycle so I mean there are some things that we have invetid to our lives at home which is really good as far as using canvas bags and if you do use plastic bags make sure there in trash cans and not driving and things like that so I think nobody has to be perfect but if you pick and chose that will work for your house hold then it’s a big improvement than what your currently doing, I’m assuming.

Ariannah Hood: ok, When you compare your dreams as when to you were a child to now are you happy to how you ended up?

Mentor: I think I’m ok where I am now I’m still definitely on the road that is a learning that since just learning point in my career its one of my management positions it’s definitely a foot at the door it made me learn before I go on happy and respect of what I learned here I think I would have finish my undergrad a little quicker and not try a double major and um stuck more to the path a little bit but I’m happy were I am.

Ariannah Hood: And in high school were you a good student? And in college are you a good student?

Mentor: in high school I was in AP classes my senior year i was in honors for most of my high school career I was on the speech and debate team and played sports and things like that so I was more well rounded I think I had a GPA of 3.3 when i graduated and 1100 on my SAT by no means was I and exceptionally a bright student um mostly because for some reason I got it in my head that an easy B was lot easier than a hard well earned A and I was ok with that um so in college I would say it depends umm I am a good student but I still have the tendency to get a little busy and overwhelmed and I think most people have that issue.

Ariannah Hood: What advice would you give to a student who didn’t know what career they wanted.

Mentor: I think that you should try a little bit of everything um try and find jobs that will let you explore lots of different avenue and different thing I mean there’s nothing wrong with having 5 jobs while your in college one every semester cause your going to take those experiences and eventually they’ll be useful hopefully.

Alejandro Morales: Do you plan of doing this for the rest of your life?

Mentor: as far as working at a museum setting at least I would say for the next 15 to 20 years I know myself and I know how I prefer to do different things, so I’m assuming probably mid career save 40’s hopefully transition to something else but there’s so much that I can do within a museum as far as educational department curatorial and all sorts of good stuff archeology so there are mo many possibilities..

Alejandro Morales: What are your dream now?

Mentor: My dreams now are to become the head curator, or researcher at a historical facilities, science or museums around the world . Really, is what I want to do um I writing my thesis on the world of duminaton a classical literature and classical ancient Greece and Rome and do I really continue studding my archeology and things like that so

Alejandro Morales: Do you feel like you are successful?

Mentor:I think I’ve done a pretty decent job considering the background that I come from I’m the first person from my family to go to college I’m definitely the first one to got o graduate school umm my parents by this time married divorced and had me so I think I’m doing a little bit better than that but umm I know a lot of people our there that are more successful as far as career wise or financial aids goes but for me I think I’m definitely doing pretty good I think

Ariannah Hood: What made you want to host a n internship?

Mentor: Oh ok so, *Cough Cough* Sorry in the past I’ve worked with you guys High Tech High ugh with the freshmen and things like that and I know that it’s a.. a high school student is a special and unique that you guys have the opportunity to do internship and so I really wanted to have interns here because I feel that its one those umm programs where you guy I can have you guys have you do different stuff and I think its more important than just having you guys go to the same place and doing the same thing every single day that you have internship and umm hopefully you guys will get a chance to learn a variety of things like teaching and administrating and see what you guys like to do

Alejandro Morales: Ok alright, Thank you

Ariannah Hood: Thank you

Jasmine Bell: Thank you

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


1. Economic advice to Barack Obama?
i think that the blog with the best advise to Barak Obama is Amanda's blog because she mentions suggestions to the president and at the end she says "I would then begin to brainstorm ideas on new energy sources we could look into and talk about how we should begin putting those plans into action immediately.", and at first mentioning sugggestions and at the end shes mentions what her thoughts are.

2. Literary Analysis?
I think that Ashley's blog has good literary analysis because she makes a list for her evidence. She also goes in detail to what she found in her reading.
"When she looked in the mirror she didnt even recognize herself, until she cracked a smile. then the book says "I listened to her with mild interest. Anybody could drop a mirror i didnt see why they should get so stirred up." Not only did she break the mirror in such a calm manner but she didnt understand that it wasnt normal? So the thought process of this woman is mind boggleing."

3. Historical Writing?
Ariannah's blog about the election of 1896 was a good blog becaus e sh has so much details like dates and she talks on the election with deep thoughts and she goes quickly into the main point. It was short with good evidence.
"The election was happen just intimate, the depression of 1893 had come and it was he deepest depression yet to happen. At one point, unemployed hit 1 million people, and in 1894 it hit 3 million. the two senators running were,William McKinley a Republican, and William Jennings Bryan a Democrat."

4. Anything else that makes blogs great?
i think that a good blogg should also have pictures and videos, some kind of visual evidence and i think that in Jasmine Bell-akin's blog she has visuals.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Charles Darwin's 200th birthday

what responsibility do we have for the understanding of science?

i think that the responsibility that that we have as humans is that we need to understand science, and make new inventions. i think that the importance of science is thatwe nee to now as much as we can use what we know to make new things.

What role should scientific inquiry and scientific knowledge play in our own society?

i think that science should stay of being wha it is for our society pbecause it berafies the importance and the back growth of inventions.

How should science influence our decisions, laws, and culture?

I think that science should be large influence on our decisions, because of its provens facts. i think that it should be a part of our culture beacsue it may be good, but we all dont have the same cultures so it all depends on what the science should be for the culture.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm Obama's economics advisor... Parte dos...

Dear Mr. President Barak Obama, ☺

Thank you for letting me discuss 30 minutes with you.
We all know that the current American economy is an issue, and i would like to address that when you mention in the Washington Post, "Our economy will lose 5 million more jobs. Unemployment will approach double digits. Our nation will sink deeper into a crisis that, at some point, we may not be able to reverse.", i agree with your concern, my advise is that "we should create or save more than 3 million jobs over the next two years, provide immediate tax relief to 95 percent of American workers, ignite spending by businesses and consumers alike, and take steps to strengthen our country for years to come."

Reading the Great Depression i came across this quote, "The middle-class and poor stopped buying things with installment credit for fear of loosing their jobs, and not being able to pay the interest. As a result jobs were lost, and soon people starting defaulting on their interest payment. More jobs were lost, more stores were closed, more banks went under, and more factories closed. Unemployment grew to five million in 1930, and up to thirteen million in 1932-49." so very much seems we had this problem before, and as you read this quote you realize that we really don't need to cut peoples jobs and just make more jobs available for people, or just start saving jobs for the ones that need it like the middle class and especially the lower class. I just want you to realize how this problem did happen before, and we don't want people losing their jobs, and have stores, factories, and banks closing down because the economy is getting worst and there is no employment.

Is it just Jobs? What about school? is it a crisis as well? Even if it is a crisis obama wants tom make it a long term growth, which means that they want to keep people educated and make it grow. "it's a strategy for America's long-term growth and opportunity in areas such as renewable energy, health care and education." this quote saying that they are going to make education keep growing. In the 1900's "250,000 U.S. children under age fifteen did not attend school. Instead they worked in mines and factories." and they didnt attend school, reading this quote education has changed alot and children under 16 cant work. Education in the U.S has made a change throughout the years and people have paied more attention to school, and they are making education grow.

aalejandro morales ☺

Obama, Barack. "Barack Obama - The Action Americans Need -" - nation, world, technology and Washington area news and headlines. 13 Feb. 2009 .

"The Main Causes of the Great Depression." Welcome!. 13 Feb. 2009 .

" Important Events in Education, 1900–1909 - 1900's Education." eNotes. 16 Feb. 2009 .

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Obama economic advisor...

Dear Mr. President Barak Obama, ☺
Thank you letting me discuss 30 minutes with you.
We all know that the current American economy is an issue, and i would like to address that when you mention in the Washington Post, "Our economy will lose 5 million more jobs. Unemployment will approach double digits. Our nation will sink deeper into a crisis that, at some point, we may not be able to reverse.", i agree with your concern, my advise is that "we should create or save more than 3 million jobs over the next two years, provide immediate tax relief to 95 percent of American workers, ignite spending by businesses and consumers alike, and take steps to strengthen our country for years to come."

Reading the Great Depression i came across this quote, "The middle-class and poor stopped buying things with installment credit for fear of loosing their jobs, and not being able to pay the interest. As a result jobs were lost, and soon people starting defaulting on their interest payment. More jobs were lost, more stores were closed, more banks went under, and more factories closed. Unemployment grew to five million in 1930, and up to thirteen million in 193249." so very much seems we had this problem before, and as you read this quote you relize that we really dont need to cut people s jobs and just make more jobs or just start saving jobs for the ones that need it like the middle class and especially the poor. I just want you to realize how this problem did happen before and we dont want people losing their jobs and have stores, factories, and banks closing down because the economy is getting worst and there is no employment.

aalejandro morales ☺

Part two: Post the 1:00 p.m., Ecocenter, and Ariannah, Jasmine Bell, and I are going to use our phones, by video taping our mentor.

Monday, February 2, 2009

What makes a great interview?

Conversation- Make sure that you make the person comfortable and make it seem like a conversation but its still professional. Stay in one solid topic that way you know what you want the person to say and you want to get from them. Make sure that your interview is loud and clear and you make eye contact that way you know that they are serious about the interview and you know that they are being honest.

What i think that is important from this interview is that the lady that is being interviewed she knows what shes talking about and she is keeping eye contact and tahts good because she knows whats shes saying she feels comfortable, and she seems like shes telling the truth.

Interviewer: Kate, how are you connected with the Great Southern California ShakeOut?
Kate Long: The OES Earthquake and Tsunami Program helped developed this scenario, and OES is of course using this scenario in Golden Guardian and for the Great Southern California ShakeOut.

Interviewer: How is OES making use of the science that goes into this scenario?
Kate Long: The exciting thing about the science in the ShakeOut scenario is the enthusiasm that we’re getting from all sectors in terms of participating in the Great Southern California ShakeOut. It’s really amazing that people are responding to how important the situation is based on the detail they know. We’ve been telling them for 30 years about the probability and about what to do, but having the science is really getting people inspired to do something.

Interviewer: So, Kate, the fact that this scenario is based on real science has certainly made a difference, you would say?
Kate Long: The fact that the scenario is based on science has made a big difference. The Southern California ShakeOut is really meant to reach the public, business, schools, people who don’t usually participate in Golden Guardian. And knowing the details of the ShakeOut is really making a difference in people’s excitement and interest in getting involved, drilling, participating and getting prepared.

Interviewer: Looking at this great event for Southern California, what inspires you the most about the ShakeOut or what are you the most proud about?
Kate Long: I’m most proud that the Great Southern California ShakeOut has brought together so many different organizations from government to business to organizations; the steering committee is working with county affiliates. From every sector of society, people are joining together in ways they haven’t before, and I think the thing that will make us more prepared, as Southern Californians, is understanding that we’re all in this together.

Interviewer: Absolutely. Thank you, Kate, for your time.
Kate Long: Thank you.

Emotion-I think that one interview design principle that all interviewers always have to have is Emotion, I think that all interviews should have different emotions rather than just keeping it one emotion whether its sad, boring, interested, or etc. keeping many emotions or showing many emotions always

What i think that is important is that Beyonce is really enjoying the interview and she is being serious but at the same time she is being funny.

Biography - I think that the person show talk about the background information and the though of what the topic is.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Questions for Mentor

1.) What got you here in your position?

2.) What made you start this?

3.) What college did you go to?

4.) What did you major on, for how many years?

5.) Whats your inspiration to do your job?

6.) Are you happy with our position?

7.) What are your weaknesses to getting here?

8.) What is the purpose of your job?

9.) What are the career possiblilities that you can do with your job?

10.) Do you feel successful?

11.) Are you planning of staying with your job?

12.) Would you pursute something else?

13.) What do you require high quality work?

14.) How long do you attempt of staying with your possition?

15.) Would you make your own bussiness? If so on what?

16.) Whats your best work that you have accomplished?

17.) How much money did you start with when you got to where you wanted?

18.) What is your main goal?



Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First day of Internship

What happened today?????
today was the first day of internshhip and it was a bit boring but its going to get fun.

How did you get to internship????
Ariannah's dad drove Ariannah, Jasmine, and Me to our internship at City Heights and it is the Eco-Center.

What did you do for lunch???
I only ate chips and a sandwich, and thats all.

How did you get home??
I got home on the bus, with Jasmine Bell.

How did everything go?
Everything went well, we can wear t-shirts!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

John F. Kennedy

In John F. Kennedy's Inaugural address he includes how Americans are tempered by war, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, and the graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe, a current event that could be referred to JFK' Inaugural address is the Iraq war. John F. Kennedy's Inaugural address includes so much information that could be based on the Iraq war even though he is not here or when the Iraq war started.

In March 20, 2003 the Iraqi war began it was based on September 11, 2001. In John F. Kennedy said in his inaugural address, "The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life." Many people have gone to war for this purposes “the man” George Bush, was in power and he made people for fight for our “country” even though it was his problem and he made people get involved, even though they said they were fighting for their country. "George Tenet briefed Bush that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction. Bush dismissed this top-secret intelligence from Saddam's inner circle which was approved by two senior CIA officers, but it turned out to be completely accurate. The information was never shared with Congress or even CIA agents examining whether Saddam had such weapons." George Bush and Saddam had problems of their own and they obviously didn’t let people know what the deal was between both of them and they both had power for their own countries. How this relates to John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address its because Kennedy mentions how Americans are tempered by war and that means that Americans are made strong by war, and its because many people are being born through out his points and its obvious that if someone is going to grow through this their going to be strong on War and that’s what happening today with Kennedy’s speech.

There are many people that they let the leader “the president” do what ever they think its right for the country. “let both sides join in creating a new endeavor -- not a new balance of power, but a new world of law -- where the strong are just, and the weak secure, and the peace preserved.” from this quote there are parts of this that make it relate to the Iraq war, the fact that there is no balance of power but there is a power of law and that relates because the face that there are countries fighting and there is no law against war, but there is a law on power. Many people did think that Kennedy was going to make a change and avoid problems, and wars, but only he knows.

Kennedy said, “The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.” this relates to the Iraq war because many men and women have died during the war and its all because they were all trying to save their country and its because they were all made by the president. This information is caused by how the Bush was in charge of all the people here in the United States and he was able to make them go to War and they are going for the sake of protecting the country, when they are hurting themselves.

In conclusion, most of Kennedy’s speech is based on the Iraq war, and this information could also be related to various current events; even though Kennedy is not alive I feel that he predicted the for of how life would be today and how it would be applied into the real world and he though of the whole world and other people not just him. “And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you.“

"American Rhetoric: John F. Kennedy -- Inaugural Address." American Rhetoric: The Power of Oratory in the United States. 23 Jan. 2009 .

"Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 23 Jan. 2009 .

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama's inauguration

"Time and again these men and women struggled and sacrificed and worked till their hands were raw so that we might live a better life. They saw America as bigger than the sum of our individual ambitions; greater than all the differences of birth or wealth or faction."

1. Why did you choose this section?
i chose this quote because he says that as a group people are struggling and they are fighting for something that is good for them and that is working for our lives. People work not for just themselves they work for people besides their families, and they are thinking about the other people in the world.

2. How do Obama's words relate to the everyday life that you know and understand?
this relates to the real worls and the way that i view the world because people taht work also work for other people and wee all work for each other and when we work people get paid and they help their families.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Edited Artist statement

Britney Einstein

Whhat is the process of becoming sucssesful? Everyone knows Albert Einstein for being a genius, and everyone knows Britney for making multiple mistakes. Albert Einstein was never perfect and he did go through mistakes, Britney didn’t always have a reckless life, everyone always make mistake and that is the process of succeeding.

Albert Einstein was born in 1879. In 1905 Albert Einstein started to begin his process of making an equation after he worked with mathematics and physics used in calculation of viscosity of liquids. Albert started experimenting in 1905 with total energy, mass, and celeritas (speed of light). He made several mistakes trough out the process of getting a complete equation, Albert had a total of 7 mistake in order to find the solution of his equation, the process of having a finished equation took about 41 years to complete his process of the equation. The equation of E=mc2, “mass–energy equivalence formula was used in the development of the atomic bomb.” It was obvious that Albert Einstein went though a long process and he did mistakes for 41 years.

Britney Spears was born in 1981. Britney started her career in 1992 with a television show called Star Search. She continued and in October 1998 Britney released her first single called ...Baby One More Time, which was number one on the Billboard Hot 100 in1999. Britney’s career went great until 2007when Britney had to go to Drug rehabilitation and this meant that drugs were taking over her life and that’s why it made her into her incident of her going bald. On February 16, 2007 Britney shaved her head with electric clippers. She was then divorced by her Ex-husband Kevin Federline. Britney made a huge mistake by using drugs and let it take over her life. “I sit there and look back and I’m like “I’m a Smart person, What the hell was I thinking“” This quote shows that she recognized that what she did was wrong, and that’s a step of becoming successful.

No one in the world is perfect, a mistake is a process of succeeding. For this project I chose Albert Einstein’s “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” and Britney Spear’s picture when she is going bald, because no one really knows what happened to Britney or why she did it. In an interview that she had she recognized that what she had done was wrong and the didn’t know what she was thinking. When people make mistakes they are time when they recognize it but for Britney her mistake took over her life and that were the drugs, in life she tried new things and the thing that she tried was shaving her head and that was a huge step for her because it was her way of getting her problems out and that made her seem she was crazy. Britney obviously learned from her mistakes and back on board making an album of The Year of 2008, Blackout, also winning two awards at the MTV Europe Music Awards 2008. For Albert Einstein, he made 41 mistakes, going though his process of his equation. I think that this quote relates to Both Albert Einstein and Britney Spears because they both went through rough times and at the end they are making great success in life and trying new things, by discovering how to be on top and not give up.

Mistakes are good, they are one of the main steps that need to be taken when you want to be successful and have good progress. Many people would of never thought that Britney Spears and Albert Einstein would be compared in such a great way. There are many great people out there that need to be discovered and they are making mistakes. So what do you think you next step is? A Mistake or Success?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Britney Einstein

Alejandro Morales
Jan. 13, 2009

Who ever thought that Britney Spears and Albert Einstein would have similarities? Everyone knows Albert Einstein for being a genius, and everyone knows Britney for making multiple mistakes. Albert Einstein was never perfect and he did go through mistakes, Britney didn’t always have reckless life, everyone always make mistake and that is the process of succeeding.

Albert Einstein was born in 1879. In 1905 Albert Einstein started to begin his process of making an equation after he worked with mathematics and physics used in calculation of viscosity of liquids. Albert started experimenting in 1905 with total energy, mass, and celeritas (speed of light). He made several mistakes trough out the process of getting a complete equation, Albert had a total of 7 mistake in order to find the solution of his equation, the process of having a finished equation took about 41 years to complete his process of the equation. The equation of E=mc2, “mass–energy equivalence formula was used in the development of the atomic bomb.” It was obvious that Albert Einstein went though a long process and he did mistakes for 41 years.

Britney Spears was born in 1981. Britney started her career in 1992 with a television show called Star Search. She continued and in October 1998 Britney released her first single called ...Baby One More Time, which was number one on the Billboard Hot 100 in1999. Britney’s career went great until 2007when Britney had to go to Drug rehabilitation and this meant that drugs were taking over her life and that’s why it made her into her incident of her going bald. On February 16, 2007 Britney shaved her head with electric clippers. She was then divorced by her Ex-husband Kevin Federline. Britney made a huge mistake by using drugs and let it take over her life. “I sit there and look back and I’m like “I’m a Smart person, What the hell was I thinking“” This quote shows that she recognized that what she did was wrong, and that’s a step of becoming successful.

No one in the world is perfect, a mistake is a process of succeeding. For this project I chose Albert Einstein’s “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” and Britney Spear’s picture when she is going bald, because no one really knows what happened to Britney or why she did it. In an interview that she had she recognized that what she had done was wrong and the didn’t know what she was thinking. When people make mistakes they are time when they recognize it but for Britney her mistake took over her life and that were the drugs, in life she tried new things and the thing that she tried was shaving her head and that was a huge step for her because it was her way of getting her problems out and that made her seem she was crazy. Britney obviously learned from her mistakes and back on board making an album of The Year of 2008, Blackout, also winning two awards at the MTV Europe Music Awards 2008. For Albert Einstein, he made 41 mistakes, going though his process of his equation. I think that this quote relates to Both Albert Einstein and Britney Spears because they both went through rough times and at the end they are making great success in life and trying new things, by discovering how to be on top and not give up.

Mistakes are good, they are one of the main steps that need to be taken when you want to be successful and have good progress. Many people would of never thought that Britney Spears and Albert Einstein would be compared in such a great way. There are many great people out there that need to be discovered and they are making mistakes. So what do you think you next step is? A Mistake or Success?

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Bush to Protect Three Areas in Pacific

Well I think that its good to think that Bush is making a change and trying to make the economy better, but i think that he dhould of done it earlier that way people could change their minds if they ever thought he was a bad person which everyone thought he was. "It has taken 137 years, since the creation of America's first national park in Yellowstone in 1872, to recognize that unique areas of the world's oceans deserve the same kind of protection as we have afforded similar places on land," from this quote comming from the washingtonpost website, it metions that it took 137 years for someone to make a change and i think that he took a long tim eto di it but made a good diffrence.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


1. What do you hope to learn or discover about the "adult" world of work while you are at your internship?

While im at my internship i would like to view how older people make money and how they work to get money, and see how hard they work to get the money that they earn. What i hope t learn this semester during my internship is to see the perspective of the subject im getting. The Main topic that i choose were Math, Computer, and Art. I would like to intern at a bank because this combine both of the topics i like and they are math and computers, the math with the money i would like to count the money and just intern there, but i think that its not going to happen because its such a serious topic and maybe they are just not going to trust me with money, a serious thing with the government. this goes into my second topic and that was interning at an art studio and i thin that what i could get from this is the way people view things and how many things are view in such positive ways and this makes me put myself in other peoples shoes.

2. What do you hope to learn or discover about yourself and your identity while you are at your internship this semester?

What i hope i get to learn from my internship, is the specific point of the topic. If it does have to do with math i want to learn why it is important to have math and what is about math why it is important. If it is Art i would like to know and learn peoples view and see the importance of why people view things their way.

3. What goals do you have for yourself for your internship experience?

My goal for my internship is to just do my work and try my best to finish what i have to do and listen to my mentor. also my goal is to get something new from my internship and see i could apply that to my future and maybe rely on what i could get from this and use it or could be used in y future career or job. What i hope this internship doe is help me be prepared for the future and and could be a guide to success