Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Jasmine Bell: What were your dreams as a child?

Mentor: As a child i wanted to be president, and work in a really really cool museum those where like the two things that i wanted to do.

Jasmine Bell: Ok, What college do you go to?

Mentor: umm, currently i got to American public university, which is an online university.

Jasmine Bell: And what do you do there?

Mentor: oh, I’m getting my masters, in ancient and classical history, so um ancient Greece to the renaissance.

Jasmine Bell: how did you choice of college help you in your career?

Mentor: umm, i think my choice of an undergrad at san Diego state was a little bit better toward helping my career, umm... and basically a good foundation that history degree for working in museums.

Jasmine Bell: in 10 years what impact will your job have in the community.?

Mentor: umm hopefully if this program continues on for another 10 years it can keep up with it’s founding ughh San Diego continue to be a leader of the alternative fuel movement as far as solar and wind panels and vehicles and things like that.

Jasmine Bell: is this your passion?

Mentor: umm, is definitely my passion to help students and to work with a museum and I definitely care about the environment but my true passion does lie with history.

Jasmine Bell: What is the Best part about your Job?

Mentor: think that is the fact that I get to do lots of different things every single day so I don’t get bored

Jasmine Bell: And do you ever wish you can do more than what you are doing now?

Mentor: Umm, no cause I cant think at the moment I cant do much more *laugh* I’m a little busy so I think its actually perfect right now for me so..

Ariannah Hood: ok is global warming really happening?

Mentor: ugh well there’s some controversy over it as far as whether or not we’re not coming out of an ice age or if we’re actually warming up our environment and in my opinion it doesn’t really matter ugh because no matter what we’re harming our environment so that shouldn’t be the issue not whether or not something particular is happening so an over all effect.

Ariannah Hood: And how effective would hybrid cars be to the environment ?

Mentor: umm well it sort of depends on the battery it’s.. I mean personally disposing a batter y is is less harmful as then drilling for oil and harming our environment I don’t think is a permanent solution but I do think its something we need to look into so we can develop cleaner technology but I’m definitely a fan of a more electric vehicles.

Ariannah Hood: ok, are the statistics about energy saving light bulbs true?

Mentor: yes, they are, CFL light bulbs do save you money over traditional light bulbs.

Ariannah Hood: Where do you get your information about all of this?

Mentor: to be honest is the same way as you guys do reports at school you look online
You read journal articles you look at sources and studies and um use the same information that’s why its so important for you guys to learn the difference between good sources and bad sources

Ariannah Hood: Do you practice what you teach in your personal life?

Mentor: I would say so I don’t drive a car but I am known to forget to recycle so I mean there are some things that we have invetid to our lives at home which is really good as far as using canvas bags and if you do use plastic bags make sure there in trash cans and not driving and things like that so I think nobody has to be perfect but if you pick and chose that will work for your house hold then it’s a big improvement than what your currently doing, I’m assuming.

Ariannah Hood: ok, When you compare your dreams as when to you were a child to now are you happy to how you ended up?

Mentor: I think I’m ok where I am now I’m still definitely on the road that is a learning that since just learning point in my career its one of my management positions it’s definitely a foot at the door it made me learn before I go on happy and respect of what I learned here I think I would have finish my undergrad a little quicker and not try a double major and um stuck more to the path a little bit but I’m happy were I am.

Ariannah Hood: And in high school were you a good student? And in college are you a good student?

Mentor: in high school I was in AP classes my senior year i was in honors for most of my high school career I was on the speech and debate team and played sports and things like that so I was more well rounded I think I had a GPA of 3.3 when i graduated and 1100 on my SAT by no means was I and exceptionally a bright student um mostly because for some reason I got it in my head that an easy B was lot easier than a hard well earned A and I was ok with that um so in college I would say it depends umm I am a good student but I still have the tendency to get a little busy and overwhelmed and I think most people have that issue.

Ariannah Hood: What advice would you give to a student who didn’t know what career they wanted.

Mentor: I think that you should try a little bit of everything um try and find jobs that will let you explore lots of different avenue and different thing I mean there’s nothing wrong with having 5 jobs while your in college one every semester cause your going to take those experiences and eventually they’ll be useful hopefully.

Alejandro Morales: Do you plan of doing this for the rest of your life?

Mentor: as far as working at a museum setting at least I would say for the next 15 to 20 years I know myself and I know how I prefer to do different things, so I’m assuming probably mid career save 40’s hopefully transition to something else but there’s so much that I can do within a museum as far as educational department curatorial and all sorts of good stuff archeology so there are mo many possibilities..

Alejandro Morales: What are your dream now?

Mentor: My dreams now are to become the head curator, or researcher at a historical facilities, science or museums around the world . Really, is what I want to do um I writing my thesis on the world of duminaton a classical literature and classical ancient Greece and Rome and do I really continue studding my archeology and things like that so

Alejandro Morales: Do you feel like you are successful?

Mentor:I think I’ve done a pretty decent job considering the background that I come from I’m the first person from my family to go to college I’m definitely the first one to got o graduate school umm my parents by this time married divorced and had me so I think I’m doing a little bit better than that but umm I know a lot of people our there that are more successful as far as career wise or financial aids goes but for me I think I’m definitely doing pretty good I think

Ariannah Hood: What made you want to host a n internship?

Mentor: Oh ok so, *Cough Cough* Sorry in the past I’ve worked with you guys High Tech High ugh with the freshmen and things like that and I know that it’s a.. a high school student is a special and unique that you guys have the opportunity to do internship and so I really wanted to have interns here because I feel that its one those umm programs where you guy I can have you guys have you do different stuff and I think its more important than just having you guys go to the same place and doing the same thing every single day that you have internship and umm hopefully you guys will get a chance to learn a variety of things like teaching and administrating and see what you guys like to do

Alejandro Morales: Ok alright, Thank you

Ariannah Hood: Thank you

Jasmine Bell: Thank you

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