Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Photo Essay

The day at the Eco-center, located in City Heights, starts off in the auditorium after the bus driver drives them to the Eco-center, were kids get to see a video on what alternative fuels and renewable fuels are. They get to find out were they come from, and which ones are good and which ones are bad for our environment. The kids then get a clipboard were they get a sheet they need to fill out through out the tour. Here in the picture you have one of my fellow classmates that also was an intern, Jasmine Bell, where underneath the kids are paying attention to our mentor, Candace McGovern, were she explains that petroleum come from dinosaurs and ethanol comes from corn. Then they fill out the questions on the biggest invention in the 20’s century, the car. Then they get an idea of the whole tour.

The second station you have an inflatable maze were kids get asked in how a car is made up, with a fuel and an engine, here kids get different engines with proper fuels. The activity that the kids do is that they get their fuels and they get to rate the fuel on pollution and if it’s a renewable gas. The fuels and engines are in pouches, where kids have to find in the maze. The kids get only seconds to find the engines that are in green pouches, they come back to sit down then they find out their fuels, then they have to go back to look for their fuels on black pouches. Kids then put the pouches under a black light were the fuels are given a grade, then they write the answers in their work sheets. The highest that was graded was for the hydrogen fuel with A+ pollution and A+ renewable, the same with food for human power. The lowest grade was a F for gasoline for both renewable and pollution. The fuels get grades that way, kids get and idea which fuels are good and some are bad.

This is the third station kids get to watch a movie on how electricity is made where you have 2 hydrogen’s on one side and oxygen on the other. The 2 hydrogen’s want to go to the oxygen and they are held apart by a membrane, in order for the hydrogen’s to go to the oxygen’s they go under the membrane, and then loses its electrons were they are left on the other side and they go around to meet the hydrogen which produces electricity. Then they watch a video on how hybrid car works with and actual model of a toy hybrid car running on water and electricity. In this picture you have 2 kids volunteer on demonstrating how a hybrid car would run. You have 2 cars a hybrids and a normal gasoline tank car, they both are given an amount of 12 fake dollars and they are tested of both running their magnet cars the amount a car runs in an average gallon, a gas tank runs about 20 miles per gallon, a hybrid runs 40 miles, they are tested to run 80 miles and at the end the tank gas has not money left after the 80 miles and the hybrid has 6 dollars and has enough to get home.

The forth part of the tour the kids get to find out how many people contain 6 countries, The United States, Mexico, Brazil, United Europe, South Africa, and China. They find out the population and the amount of cars they have. They get o find out how much fossil fuels they use, also were you can find solar panels and wind turbines, and what they are for. They find out were are the 10 top places were oil is found and its basically in the middles east, and since we use some they ask the how they get it over here and they say the oil tanker.

The fifth station is were kids get to email the governor on reducing fossil fuels, also learning on solar panels and wind turbines, then they learn on watts and renewable fuels. At each station kids get to answer questions that are in each station. In this picture you have Jasmine Bell and she is helping kids on how the solar drawbridge works, this solar drawbridge is made out of Legos so its not the greatest, when you turn on the light bulb kids get to see how it works. In this section the kids are asked “what do you feel when you put your hand under the light?” the kids would say “heat!”, then they are ask “what happens to the solar drawbridge when the solar panel is covered?” they say “it stops working.” and they write their answer on their sheet.


1. What article(s) would you like to write for the magazine? What photography could you contribute? Art? List three different ideas for your major contribution.
-Art- i like being able to show the art that i like to do, i think that i could be able to do some art on my internship.
-Photography- i like taking pictures and be able to take them of different angles.
-Trascript- i think that i was able to re-arrange the transcript so it could sound fluent.

2. Suggest at least one (or more) possible title for the magazine. This could be a title with or without a subtitle. For example, I work for UnBoxed: a Journal of Adult Learning in Schools.
The day at the Eco-center: Kids learn about having a clean and better future.

3. Suggest a topic for an article that you were personally like to read in a magazine inspired by the internship semester.
How to make your boring intership fun.
How to not be bored at internship.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


What did you learn during immersion? How did you learn it?
What i learned during immersion is that i need to day in school and make sure that what i choose for my future is something that i reeally want. I learn this because in my internshhip it revolved around being with kids and working with them and helping them. I like working with kids but after working with them for 2 weeks made me realize that i wouldn't like to work withkids because they get annoying and they talk to much and i get frustrated so im not a person to controlkids and making them listen to me.. When we didnt have tour our mentor made us cleean up a storage room that was filled with boxesa dn she said that there was rat poop and she made us clean it, the first time we just clean the one the was visible and just on the way. One day me and Jasmine heared a noice but we thought we were going crazy so we heared it a couple times and in the trash can, she said there was a rat but when our mentor went to see it, it was the tiniest mouse ever, so she obviously thought there me we comming from the storage room so she made us clen that up and it was a whole bunch, so i learned that i dont want to be a janitor and from avoiding this is to do my work and stay in school and get a good career that way i dont drop out and get to work as a janitor cleaning storage rooms with rat poop.