Friday, January 30, 2009

Questions for Mentor

1.) What got you here in your position?

2.) What made you start this?

3.) What college did you go to?

4.) What did you major on, for how many years?

5.) Whats your inspiration to do your job?

6.) Are you happy with our position?

7.) What are your weaknesses to getting here?

8.) What is the purpose of your job?

9.) What are the career possiblilities that you can do with your job?

10.) Do you feel successful?

11.) Are you planning of staying with your job?

12.) Would you pursute something else?

13.) What do you require high quality work?

14.) How long do you attempt of staying with your possition?

15.) Would you make your own bussiness? If so on what?

16.) Whats your best work that you have accomplished?

17.) How much money did you start with when you got to where you wanted?

18.) What is your main goal?



Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First day of Internship

What happened today?????
today was the first day of internshhip and it was a bit boring but its going to get fun.

How did you get to internship????
Ariannah's dad drove Ariannah, Jasmine, and Me to our internship at City Heights and it is the Eco-Center.

What did you do for lunch???
I only ate chips and a sandwich, and thats all.

How did you get home??
I got home on the bus, with Jasmine Bell.

How did everything go?
Everything went well, we can wear t-shirts!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

John F. Kennedy

In John F. Kennedy's Inaugural address he includes how Americans are tempered by war, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, and the graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe, a current event that could be referred to JFK' Inaugural address is the Iraq war. John F. Kennedy's Inaugural address includes so much information that could be based on the Iraq war even though he is not here or when the Iraq war started.

In March 20, 2003 the Iraqi war began it was based on September 11, 2001. In John F. Kennedy said in his inaugural address, "The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life." Many people have gone to war for this purposes “the man” George Bush, was in power and he made people for fight for our “country” even though it was his problem and he made people get involved, even though they said they were fighting for their country. "George Tenet briefed Bush that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction. Bush dismissed this top-secret intelligence from Saddam's inner circle which was approved by two senior CIA officers, but it turned out to be completely accurate. The information was never shared with Congress or even CIA agents examining whether Saddam had such weapons." George Bush and Saddam had problems of their own and they obviously didn’t let people know what the deal was between both of them and they both had power for their own countries. How this relates to John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address its because Kennedy mentions how Americans are tempered by war and that means that Americans are made strong by war, and its because many people are being born through out his points and its obvious that if someone is going to grow through this their going to be strong on War and that’s what happening today with Kennedy’s speech.

There are many people that they let the leader “the president” do what ever they think its right for the country. “let both sides join in creating a new endeavor -- not a new balance of power, but a new world of law -- where the strong are just, and the weak secure, and the peace preserved.” from this quote there are parts of this that make it relate to the Iraq war, the fact that there is no balance of power but there is a power of law and that relates because the face that there are countries fighting and there is no law against war, but there is a law on power. Many people did think that Kennedy was going to make a change and avoid problems, and wars, but only he knows.

Kennedy said, “The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.” this relates to the Iraq war because many men and women have died during the war and its all because they were all trying to save their country and its because they were all made by the president. This information is caused by how the Bush was in charge of all the people here in the United States and he was able to make them go to War and they are going for the sake of protecting the country, when they are hurting themselves.

In conclusion, most of Kennedy’s speech is based on the Iraq war, and this information could also be related to various current events; even though Kennedy is not alive I feel that he predicted the for of how life would be today and how it would be applied into the real world and he though of the whole world and other people not just him. “And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you.“

"American Rhetoric: John F. Kennedy -- Inaugural Address." American Rhetoric: The Power of Oratory in the United States. 23 Jan. 2009 .

"Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 23 Jan. 2009 .

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama's inauguration

"Time and again these men and women struggled and sacrificed and worked till their hands were raw so that we might live a better life. They saw America as bigger than the sum of our individual ambitions; greater than all the differences of birth or wealth or faction."

1. Why did you choose this section?
i chose this quote because he says that as a group people are struggling and they are fighting for something that is good for them and that is working for our lives. People work not for just themselves they work for people besides their families, and they are thinking about the other people in the world.

2. How do Obama's words relate to the everyday life that you know and understand?
this relates to the real worls and the way that i view the world because people taht work also work for other people and wee all work for each other and when we work people get paid and they help their families.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Edited Artist statement

Britney Einstein

Whhat is the process of becoming sucssesful? Everyone knows Albert Einstein for being a genius, and everyone knows Britney for making multiple mistakes. Albert Einstein was never perfect and he did go through mistakes, Britney didn’t always have a reckless life, everyone always make mistake and that is the process of succeeding.

Albert Einstein was born in 1879. In 1905 Albert Einstein started to begin his process of making an equation after he worked with mathematics and physics used in calculation of viscosity of liquids. Albert started experimenting in 1905 with total energy, mass, and celeritas (speed of light). He made several mistakes trough out the process of getting a complete equation, Albert had a total of 7 mistake in order to find the solution of his equation, the process of having a finished equation took about 41 years to complete his process of the equation. The equation of E=mc2, “mass–energy equivalence formula was used in the development of the atomic bomb.” It was obvious that Albert Einstein went though a long process and he did mistakes for 41 years.

Britney Spears was born in 1981. Britney started her career in 1992 with a television show called Star Search. She continued and in October 1998 Britney released her first single called ...Baby One More Time, which was number one on the Billboard Hot 100 in1999. Britney’s career went great until 2007when Britney had to go to Drug rehabilitation and this meant that drugs were taking over her life and that’s why it made her into her incident of her going bald. On February 16, 2007 Britney shaved her head with electric clippers. She was then divorced by her Ex-husband Kevin Federline. Britney made a huge mistake by using drugs and let it take over her life. “I sit there and look back and I’m like “I’m a Smart person, What the hell was I thinking“” This quote shows that she recognized that what she did was wrong, and that’s a step of becoming successful.

No one in the world is perfect, a mistake is a process of succeeding. For this project I chose Albert Einstein’s “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” and Britney Spear’s picture when she is going bald, because no one really knows what happened to Britney or why she did it. In an interview that she had she recognized that what she had done was wrong and the didn’t know what she was thinking. When people make mistakes they are time when they recognize it but for Britney her mistake took over her life and that were the drugs, in life she tried new things and the thing that she tried was shaving her head and that was a huge step for her because it was her way of getting her problems out and that made her seem she was crazy. Britney obviously learned from her mistakes and back on board making an album of The Year of 2008, Blackout, also winning two awards at the MTV Europe Music Awards 2008. For Albert Einstein, he made 41 mistakes, going though his process of his equation. I think that this quote relates to Both Albert Einstein and Britney Spears because they both went through rough times and at the end they are making great success in life and trying new things, by discovering how to be on top and not give up.

Mistakes are good, they are one of the main steps that need to be taken when you want to be successful and have good progress. Many people would of never thought that Britney Spears and Albert Einstein would be compared in such a great way. There are many great people out there that need to be discovered and they are making mistakes. So what do you think you next step is? A Mistake or Success?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Britney Einstein

Alejandro Morales
Jan. 13, 2009

Who ever thought that Britney Spears and Albert Einstein would have similarities? Everyone knows Albert Einstein for being a genius, and everyone knows Britney for making multiple mistakes. Albert Einstein was never perfect and he did go through mistakes, Britney didn’t always have reckless life, everyone always make mistake and that is the process of succeeding.

Albert Einstein was born in 1879. In 1905 Albert Einstein started to begin his process of making an equation after he worked with mathematics and physics used in calculation of viscosity of liquids. Albert started experimenting in 1905 with total energy, mass, and celeritas (speed of light). He made several mistakes trough out the process of getting a complete equation, Albert had a total of 7 mistake in order to find the solution of his equation, the process of having a finished equation took about 41 years to complete his process of the equation. The equation of E=mc2, “mass–energy equivalence formula was used in the development of the atomic bomb.” It was obvious that Albert Einstein went though a long process and he did mistakes for 41 years.

Britney Spears was born in 1981. Britney started her career in 1992 with a television show called Star Search. She continued and in October 1998 Britney released her first single called ...Baby One More Time, which was number one on the Billboard Hot 100 in1999. Britney’s career went great until 2007when Britney had to go to Drug rehabilitation and this meant that drugs were taking over her life and that’s why it made her into her incident of her going bald. On February 16, 2007 Britney shaved her head with electric clippers. She was then divorced by her Ex-husband Kevin Federline. Britney made a huge mistake by using drugs and let it take over her life. “I sit there and look back and I’m like “I’m a Smart person, What the hell was I thinking“” This quote shows that she recognized that what she did was wrong, and that’s a step of becoming successful.

No one in the world is perfect, a mistake is a process of succeeding. For this project I chose Albert Einstein’s “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” and Britney Spear’s picture when she is going bald, because no one really knows what happened to Britney or why she did it. In an interview that she had she recognized that what she had done was wrong and the didn’t know what she was thinking. When people make mistakes they are time when they recognize it but for Britney her mistake took over her life and that were the drugs, in life she tried new things and the thing that she tried was shaving her head and that was a huge step for her because it was her way of getting her problems out and that made her seem she was crazy. Britney obviously learned from her mistakes and back on board making an album of The Year of 2008, Blackout, also winning two awards at the MTV Europe Music Awards 2008. For Albert Einstein, he made 41 mistakes, going though his process of his equation. I think that this quote relates to Both Albert Einstein and Britney Spears because they both went through rough times and at the end they are making great success in life and trying new things, by discovering how to be on top and not give up.

Mistakes are good, they are one of the main steps that need to be taken when you want to be successful and have good progress. Many people would of never thought that Britney Spears and Albert Einstein would be compared in such a great way. There are many great people out there that need to be discovered and they are making mistakes. So what do you think you next step is? A Mistake or Success?

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Bush to Protect Three Areas in Pacific

Well I think that its good to think that Bush is making a change and trying to make the economy better, but i think that he dhould of done it earlier that way people could change their minds if they ever thought he was a bad person which everyone thought he was. "It has taken 137 years, since the creation of America's first national park in Yellowstone in 1872, to recognize that unique areas of the world's oceans deserve the same kind of protection as we have afforded similar places on land," from this quote comming from the washingtonpost website, it metions that it took 137 years for someone to make a change and i think that he took a long tim eto di it but made a good diffrence.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


1. What do you hope to learn or discover about the "adult" world of work while you are at your internship?

While im at my internship i would like to view how older people make money and how they work to get money, and see how hard they work to get the money that they earn. What i hope t learn this semester during my internship is to see the perspective of the subject im getting. The Main topic that i choose were Math, Computer, and Art. I would like to intern at a bank because this combine both of the topics i like and they are math and computers, the math with the money i would like to count the money and just intern there, but i think that its not going to happen because its such a serious topic and maybe they are just not going to trust me with money, a serious thing with the government. this goes into my second topic and that was interning at an art studio and i thin that what i could get from this is the way people view things and how many things are view in such positive ways and this makes me put myself in other peoples shoes.

2. What do you hope to learn or discover about yourself and your identity while you are at your internship this semester?

What i hope i get to learn from my internship, is the specific point of the topic. If it does have to do with math i want to learn why it is important to have math and what is about math why it is important. If it is Art i would like to know and learn peoples view and see the importance of why people view things their way.

3. What goals do you have for yourself for your internship experience?

My goal for my internship is to just do my work and try my best to finish what i have to do and listen to my mentor. also my goal is to get something new from my internship and see i could apply that to my future and maybe rely on what i could get from this and use it or could be used in y future career or job. What i hope this internship doe is help me be prepared for the future and and could be a guide to success