Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Same Sex Marriage DENIED?

High court turns down gay marriage case
no author...
October 11, 2006


Post your new Federal Privacy Law and explain what you think would happen during the possible process of judicial review

Every man and woman has the right to privacy within their homes, and social and business affairs unless suspected of a crime and have a warrant. The government cannot go through anyone’s privacy/property without a warrantor the owners permission. To get a warrant you must take it to court with evidence and the warrant would last only one year.

In 2006, a gay couple was turned down by the Supreme Court, TWICE in 2004 they were refused to a wedding license but they tried again and they were refused again. “A San Francisco judge last year declared the state marriage ban invalid because it violated the civil rights of gays and lesbians.”

This connects to the class because it’s talking about how this couple doesn’t have the rights to get married. This really connect because this situation is just two men in love and as they are citizens of the UNITED STATES they are able to have the right to get married and that shouldn’t be the governments problem. These men want to have their “privacy” and the government shouldn’t be in this situation. These men should have the rights as just regular “straight” men do.

What I think about this, I just can believe that the supreme court denied their love and they couldn’t get married and I think that, that’s wrong because they done have the privacy they want because the government is going into this situation.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Edited september 25, 2008

What are you most proud of on your blog? Why?
What I’m most proud of in my blog is that i can connect to current event and the government and that’s something that I’m not good in and that’s something that i did overachieve and yeah there was struggles through the blogs but I’m able to solve them.

What would you like to improve on your blog? Why? How?
What i can improve on is including pictures, videos, graphs, and maps that way my audience can get a visual of what the blogs about and they don’t get lost as much. Adding more articles would be good that way people see that there’s more events in the world going on; than just one event and more than one event going on in the world and how we can connect it to class.

How has blogging impacted your understanding of the US? the Media? Current Events? "Old" news (like the Constitution, Federalist Papers, etc.)?
People blog so other people can read what’s going on in the world. People also show their opinions and their thoughts. People also connect blogging to current events or just something that people can relate to. An impact that I came to an understanding is that there are a lot of many things going o in the world and people do talk about them by blogging.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wall Street's worst day

Edited september 25,2008
Collapse of Lehman Brothers, sale of Merrill Lynch shakes stock market
By: Patrick Rizzo and Joe Bel Bruno
11:39 PM CDT on Monday, September 15, 2008
Associated Press
September 18,2008
Wall Street's has the worst day in seven years and lost about 500 points about 4 percent, its the lowest point dropped since the stock market reopened after the Sept. 11 attacks.
This connects to the class because we been learning about the stocks market been going down and also about the federal government and maybe one way that the federal government could help the stocks market is by having power because of the central powers and they could help get the banks and at least give them a push that way they could win their points back.
What I think about this a is that the central power could help the stocks market and giving them a chance by giving them money and if they lose the privilege of taking it seriously than they are probably going to lose all their points.

SexEd On Kinderarteners

tuesday, september 16, 2008

Edited September 25,2008
Off Base on Sex Ed
September 10, 2008

–by Emi Kolawole

SEPTEMBER 16, 2008
Hoff, David. McCain vs. Obama: The Whole Story. 29 Mar. 2008. Education Week. 10 Sep. 2008.
Editorial. Focus on School Reform. 7 Jul. 2008. The Washington Post. 10 Sep. 2008


Obama is willing to teach Sex Education to kindergarteners before they know how to read.


What this has to do with class is basically that Obama is making a "good" impression to his voters by trying to make it seem that its "legislation to teach 'comprehensive sex education' to kindergarteners." and that’s wrong knowing that they don’t even know about their own bodies and they can't read yet.

What i think about this is that its bad because kindergarteners cant read and how are they support to read about their bodies and also they are kids and they barely are getting to know about their bodies and they haven't gone through puberty and their body can be sexually active at this age, although i do think that they do need to get familiar with their bodies and be tought how to deffened themselves when people touch them.

September 11, 2008

thursday, september 11, 2008

Edited September 25,2008

McCain and Obama commemorate 9/11 anniversary

By Jennifer Loven

2:31 p.m. September 11, 2008


This is basically saying that Obama and McCain were together today to honor the dead from the terrorist on September 11, 2001.

This relates to class because both McCain and Obama are using Pure Democracy to win people votes that’s why they are attending the ceremony for honoring the dead people that way they are making people believe that they do care as presidents, and that they do care about the people in the United States. This is working because people do believe that they care and maybe they do. They are making people change there minds if they haven't voted for them that they should vote for them and they are better than the other.

What i think about this is just that they are using strategies with this Americans involved that way they get their attentions and get a chance to here how they are responsible for the 4 leading years.

Gay Marriage

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Edited September 25.2008

McCain, CA Marriage Initiative & Federalism

Posted by GayPatriotWest at 1:08 pm - June 30, 2008.
Filed under: 2008 Presidential Politics, California politics, Gay Marriage


GayPatriot responded to Patrick Range McDonald the writer of LA Weekly because McCain And McDonald had decided that he only supports the traditional definition of a marriage with one man and one woman, and "McCain is not perfect on issues of concern to the gay community" GayPatriot says.

This has a connection to the class because its talking about federalism of McCain not caring about the gay community, he's only supporting the "traditional" marriage and he’s not having the responsibility of making sure everyone in the USA is accepted as who they are and only because of "tradition".

I do think that this gay man is sticking up for his right as a citizen of the United States and this is good that he’s doing what’s right for the gay community.

Abussive Doctor

Thursday, September 4, 2008

L.A. doctor faces 10 more sex charges
No Author.
3:34 p.m. September 4, 2008
Dr. Kevin Antario Brown not guilty for rape, child, and sexual battery.
The class connection that this has is that its both a Lock and a Hobbes; Hobbes because it seems like Dr. Kevin is fighting for his natural rights and he’s winning the situation because he is being claimed NOT guilty. Lock because I think that the government is trying to put him to jail because he has done about 33 sexually molesting and including 12 of his patients; The government doesn’t do anything because he has done this before and people are saying that he will do more in the future.
What I think about this article is basically is just a question and its "Why don't they give him a fine?" and "Why don't they keep him in jail if they know that he’s going to do it in the future?" this is sad knowing that people are being molested by a doctor, i think that he sets a bad example for other doctors because people are not going to trust their own doctors.

Immigration Tunnel

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Edited September 25,2008

8 arrested after tunnel discovered near border

By Sandra Dibble
September 3, 2008
8 suspects were caught in Mexicali when they were working on a cross-border tunnel by the Calexico border.
This connects to the class because this connect to Locks because this are rights that are being protected by the government and it protects your natural rights. I think that the government caught the people because they are coming to the United States and the tunnel was basically used for drugs, weapons, and immigrants so it mostly bad things and the government was trying to stop them and make a better community to the United States.
What i think about the article is the its true, immigrants should be caught and mostly because they are going to use the United States as their "money maker" because they are using the tunnel for drugs and weapons which causes danger to this community. As a Mexican I think that Mexicans should have a chance here in the United States but have a contract with the government that way the government and the people have their own natural rights, but at the same times the government shouldn't give a chance to the people that are going to harm people here in the United States.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008